NFP follow up

Posted by Gatersaw | 5/02/2008 05:49:00 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

So the prediction thing is better for entertainment. If you caught on to the hyperlinking I was doing you might understand how I came to my estimation. Our prediction was accurate for the manufacturing sector, but that was not our end goal. Regarding the components of the prediction the headline number is derived from manufacturing so that says something about the prediction being partially correct. Unfortunately the weak Dollar did not spur the manufacturing sector enough. You can see how the country goes through contraction and expansion by the historical jobs report. If any of you follow the same people I follow (the smart ones) then we should see the end of contraction in the next few months. If you follow the other school (the not so smart ones) you've already bought your bunkers and canned soup to last 5 years, but that 5 years is not long enough to avoid radiation poisoning so you better go back to the drawing board. I'm kidding. I like fanatics. I take money from them every day.


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