Has no one been listening?

Posted by Gatersaw | 6/16/2009 08:52:00 AM | 0 comments »

The Federal Reserve is the most guilty entity in allowing the subprime housing catastrophe to occur. Many are pointing fingers at political parties, but the wise among us know both parties are controlled by the entity with the most money; which is the Federal Reserve. The Fed would prefer you are all divided; because you are fighting amongst yourselves, as the Fed walks into the room and takes everything. In this statement “room” is a euphemism for country. The Fed was the only entity with oversight of banks’ leverage into CDOs and other forms of bad or subprime debt. The administration points the finger at the Office of Thrift Supervision, but we know they are paid just like the other members of the house. In this day and age when a presidency can be bought we need to shrink government and take away its power.

The article below outlines Obama handing over of our country to the money printers. This is a great clue if you still think Obama is the Messiah. You see Jesus stormed into the temple throwing the money changers’ tables and denouncing their practice; because they were trying to control his people, much the same as the Fed is trying to own you and everything you see in YOUR country. (Perhaps I’m naïve but I still consider this OUR country. I think we can take it back but it’s going to take years to repair the damage done.) Two things need to happen soon. The Fed needs to be shut down for failure to protect our monetary base and conspiring to dilute it. Obama needs to be impeached for aiding the Fed. I think we can get the entire country behind shutting the Fed and once we have successfully prosecuted them we can easily add Obama to the guilty list and quickly throw him out.






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