Hey I like making money as much as the next guy, but this new carbon trading scheme has my pants in a bunch. I’m gonna give you 10 seconds to say duh before I make you say it. Wait for it….Wait for it….Carbon trading is going to trade farm, or unused land’s positive oxygen balance for land used by oxygen negative corporations’ land. Wait for it…Wait for it…Whammo! Algae produces 70-90% of the Earth’s oxygen! Double Whammo with a reverse Whammo to reduce the impact of said Whammo or your face would have just inverted!!!!!! Echo of Whammo still going around the Earth…….If you’re not following at this point let me explain again but in more color. Carbon trading is going to trade farm land ie. grass and trees for the negative impact of manufacturing plants. Based on what I just told you we know grass and trees are a paltry component of oxygen producing organisms in this planet. Furthermore the greenies are trying to run up land prices in all corners of the world. They are advocating buying cheap land in 3rd world countries to plant grass or trees to offset the carbon emissions of developed nations. News flash! When these morons make corporations completely non viable in the USA, AU, UK, JP etc the corporations are going to move to the 3rd world countries themselves. More than likely the regulation in those countries will be more paltry than their oxygen production and the corporations will ignore all green moronic ideology.


No seriously the global warming fools have outdone themselves this time. They played the wrong piece. Blatantly obvious. If you think I’m being obtuse about calling people idiots then explain how you take 150 years of temperature data and extrapolate 100s of millions of years of temperature data and then force a regime of guilt and blame for said extrapolated hogwash. Ok maybe I missed that equation in 4th grade math that turned 150 years into 100s of millions. Nope. Didn’t. Just called Mrs. Olson and she said we did not teach that at Niobrara Public Elementary. To my complete befuddlement I replied to Mrs. Olson in a series of grunts and otherwise unintelligible moans before hanging up. [GI Joe’esque internal monologue.] “Head…hurts….must get…..common….sense back….”


As always do your own homework and have an independently-arrived view point. Don’t be a sheep.


Damnit, Jim! I’m only a doctor!


Principal: “Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


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