Who is the best presidential candidate?
I’m not going to answer that because it’s virtually impossible to avoid hyperbole, opinion and fuzzy math. There are a few qualities you could compare between the two main candidates to arrive at a pseudo-logical/objectivish decision. Kinda like trading!
Who do currency traders want as president? I like this question a lot more. Currency traders want the Flat Tax, they want to get the hell rid of the Patriot Act or at least allow sovereign money to hold accounts here in the USA without threatening their wealth. For crying out loud a judge can freeze accounts regardless; so why did we need that dumbass scare tactic called the Patriot Act to force sovereign money out of the US at break neck speeds? GET US THE HELL OUT OF THE TWO SIMULTANEOUS WARS!!! I would add another exclamation mark but that is a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder. I can’t stress enough how badly these two wars are crippling our country. If a candidate steps up that will do these things I’ll gladly put a bumper sticker on my car informing the cerebrally, diluted American population that it’s not about gender or skin color. It’s about good ol’ fashioned common sense. It’s something our country lost when we stopped reprimanding our children. I’m stepping down from the soap box now. Hopefully the world of blogging is a little lighter now.
Go Ron Paul!!!!
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